Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Another reservation has been made!

Woo hoo! Another reservation has been made! This one is for the Lake Louise Gondola ( which also includes a buffet lunch. We'll do this on Friday, June 28 after getting into Canmore the day before. And, before we do the Banff Gondola on Monday, July 1! So much fun, I can hardly wait!

Literally, I CAN NOT wait.....4 weeks can't come soon enough. Scott and I went grocery shopping on our lunch hour today to pick up some of the non-perishable food we're taking. Why shopping so soon? I don't know. I guess I just like to torture myself thinking that this trip is just around the corner. I know it will "be here before I know it" but right now that just doesn't seem possible.

I was chatting with a friend yesterday and she suggested writing about this in my next blog, "Things I'm going to do while Scott is driving." Well, here are a few of her ideas: knitting, reading, playing the license plate game, car bingo, scrapbooking...and I added: the alphabet game and Trivial Pursuit. There are just a few problems with some of the suggestions.

1. I don't knit.
2. I get sick while reading in the car.

So that leaves some games that might get a little boring after the first hour.  So, what are your ideas for what I should do while Scott is driving?

The same friend and I were chatting again today and came up with these fun facts about traveling across the border. You can only bring the following amounts of liquor into Canada:

* 53 ounces (1.5 litres) of wine; or
* 40 ounces (1.14 litres) of liquor; or
* A total of 40 ounces (1.14 litres) of wine and liquor; or
* 24 x 355 ml (12 oz.) containers of beer.

And, as my friend pointed out, you can't bring your drugs across either. Good to know; thanks for the heads up.

The Lake Louise Gondola
Looks yummy, uh?!

1 comment:

  1. We are so excited FOR you!!! You can always sing to Scott as he drives! :)
    We love you both and are looking forward to some time with you this summer. Keep the cards warm!
