Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Excitement is brewing!

We've finished up the weekend camping trips and are getting ready for the BIG one. Only 5 weeks to go....reservations are complete, 5th wheel is in getting a tune up and looking pretty, and the grocery list has been started. We have something planned for almost every weekend leading up to our trip and combined with 40-hour work weeks, we certainly don't have idle time on our hands. But our weekend mornings are still spent drinking coffee and reading all of the books we have about Jasper, Banff, Calgary, etc. And lists are still being made in hopes that we don't forget anything!

Some of the things I am most looking forward to, besides the rest and relaxation from our everyday lives, are: the Jasper Tramway (http://jaspertramway.com/), the Columbia Icefield (http://www.explorerockies.com/columbia-icefield/?utm_source=google-adwords&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=sightseeing-tours-search), and the Oh Canada Eh! dinner show (http://www.atthecorner.ca/venue/oh-canada-eh-packages.html) - cheesy, I know! But doesn't this look like fun?!

I can totally see Scott dressed up like this!

In the meantime, we've got birthdays to celebrate, Father's Day and our last one leaving the nest. Kevin will be moving into his own apartment while we are on our big trip. He is sharing it with his cousin, Tyler who will be attending PCC this fall. And with the anticipation of Baby G coming in November, there are lots of exciting changes in the Moore household this year!

1 comment:

  1. Oh my this looks like so much fun. I can't wait to follow along and live vicariously throw you and your adventures ahead. And yes I can't wait to see Scott in one of those outfits ;)
