Thursday, July 4, 2013

Banff Gondola - Sulphur Mountain

We decided to do the Banff Gondola on Tuesday (instead of Monday) and it turns out it was the hottest day so far. The parking lot was packed with cars and tour busses but the time it took to get on the gondola went very fast. And the gondolas were all enclosed holding 4 people at the maximum. We met a father and daughter who were in front of us in line, he from Manitoba and she from Calgary. They figured it had been 20 years since they had last rode the gondola (the daughter looked to be about 24 years old). So we rode the gondola up with them. It was very hot inside the gondola and it went very fast up Sulphur Mountain compared to the Jasper Tramway and the Lake Louise Ski Lift. I was kinda scared! But tried to keep my mind off of it by talking to the father/daughter team :).

Once we got to the top, it was worth the fast gondola and the height!

This reminded me of the Great Wall in China! Yes, we climbed to the top!

The rivers are a lot more muddy than usual due to the flooding.

The Banff Springs Hotel

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