Monday, July 8, 2013

The Calgary Stampede - Day 2

Saturday, July 6 - Happy 1st Anniversary to Keri & Josh!! Boy, that year went fast!

Today we took our time getting up and around knowing that there wasn't much left to see at the Stampede and the Grandstand Show didn't start until 7:45pm. So we left Canmore around 1:45pm, got to Calgary around 3pm with blue sky and sunshine and decided to hit the food stands. We started with a Colossal Onion (just like the bloomin' onion at Outback), added in a German sausage dog and then moved on to the fried cheese (mozzarella, cheddar and jalapeƱo). Perfect State Fair type food! As we were eating, the clouds moved in and decided to open up and dump more rain. Luckily, we had found seats under a canopy at a picnic table so we were dry and could ride out the downpour under there. A couple joined us and we found out that they were from Calgary and had gone to the rodeo earlier in the day. So, we had a nice chat with them until the blue sky moved in again and it turned out to be a beautiful evening.

Oh, and this is for Patty.....yes, they served Dole Whips! Not as good as Disneyland though, but I thought of you!

Thinking of Patty back at work while I eat my Dole Whip!

After the rain let up, we walked around and looked at different things, mainly the Ag building with the animals.

We headed over to the grandstands for the Chuckwagon Races and Evening Show. The track was so muddy from the rain and they were smoothing it out for the races.

And, let the racing begin! So much fun to watch!

After the Chuckwagon Races, came the evening show. It didn't take long at all for them to set up the stage. While we were waiting for them to get all set up, we were talking to the people sitting right next to us and found out they were from Albany, OR. Small world!

And this "little" tractor was going to do it all.

Here comes the stage!

The beginning of the show...these people really like dangling people from really high places!

Twin brothers with amazing strength. I wonder if they ever get cramps in their arms?!

So fun to watch!

Marc Martel - check out - he didn't sing this particular song, although I wish he had, but he was still really good!

People were inside the horses moving their feet.

And finally, the best fireworks show I've ever seen!

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