Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Jasper Tramway

I may or may not have been a tad bit scared riding the gondola all the way up.

Scott looking over the edge! Actually, it wasn't that bad; there were boulders below that would have broken his fall :).

Even though there was snow at the top, it wasn't that cold at all.

A nice couple who had just hiked 3 hours up the mountain took this picture for us. There is a hostel below the tram entrance that is the beginning of a trail up the mountain.

The town of Jasper.

Two of the three lakes.


  1. What a great picture of the two of you with that beautiful scenery behind you. It all looks so gorgeous!

  2. Susan - Something must be wrong with the blog... it's preventing me from seeing any of Scott's fishing pictures!

  3. Dean - unfortunately, due to massive flooding of the rivers, there may not be any fishing pictures! The Bow River that's normally 4-ft. deep on average is said to be 15-ft. with the flooding!
