Friday, June 28, 2013

Our Last Day in Jasper

Our last day in Jasper was spent sleeping in, spending an hour at the internet cafe, grocery shopping and filling the truck up with gas. Not too exciting but relaxing nonetheless. We took one last drive up the Maligne Valley starting at 7:00pm hoping to see the momma black bear and her cubs again and maybe some new animals.

And there they were again!

Some loud motorcycles drove by as we were watching the bears and it scared the little ones up into the tree.

We found another black bear all by itself eating its way along the road.

And then it stopped to scratch itself with a small pine tree branch.
No other animals were seen but it was a nice drive! We also drove up the road towards Hinton for about 10 miles hoping to see some bighorn sheep but no such luck.


  1. You really should stop putting gas in that truck.

  2. No, I just mean that it'll run better on diesel.

  3. Great pics of the bears. Hopefully you used a telephoto lens and you weren't too close.

  4. Oh, Dean, details, details....

    Yes, Carie, we rented a really nice lense that allowed us to get close-ups of the animals :). But they were just on the side of road right outside our window so maybe as close as 6ft. sometimes to as far as 50ft. away.

  5. And by "lense" I meant "lens" - sheesh, where is my proofreader?!
