Thursday, June 27, 2013

More pictures!

Maligne Lake at 9:00pm - it doesn't get dark until almost 11:00pm!

Maligne Lake at 9:00pm

We took at drive up the Maligne Valley between 8:00-10:00pm and found this momma with her 2 cubs climbing the hill.

Even though this picture is blurry because I had the camera on the wrong setting, you can see the little cub climbing the tree. The 2 cubs were very playful as they climbed the hill with their momma.

Another animal on Scott's bucket list to see was the Bull Elk, and here he is.

Medicine Lake at 9:00pm. This lake has underground caverns and such that the water will just drain down. 

On Wednesday, we drove up to Mount Edith Cavell and took a little hike. Most of the trail and parking lot had been washed away though last August with an avalanche. They have since repaired the parking lot.

Scott on the trail with Angel Glacier in the background.

Angel Glacier with a waterfall coming down from the ice melting and forming a lake at the bottom.

The lake at the bottom of Angel Glacier with a chunk of ice in the middle.

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